- HSL (for hue, saturation, lightness) and HSV (for hue, saturation, value; also known as HSB, for hue, saturation, brightness)
- HCL (Hue-Chroma-Luminance)
- ..
CMYK | |
C | Cyan |
M | Magenta |
Y | Yellow |
K | Key(black) |
HSV | |
H | 색상(Hue) |
S | 채도(Saturation) |
V | 명도(Value / Lightness / Brightness) |
YUV | |
Y | 밝기 |
U | 파랑 - 밝기 |
V | 빨강 - 밝기 |
YUV 종류 | |
YCbCr | digital |
YPbPr | analog |
YIQ | YUV 33도 회전, NTSC(National Television System Committee)방식 -한국, 미국 컬러텔레비전 |
ICtCp : ICtCp has near constant luminance, which improves chroma subsampling versus YCBCR
YCgCo : 색평면 사이에 상관성이 매우 낮음
const static half3x3 MAT_RGB_TO_XYZ = {
0.4124, 0.3576, 0.1805,
0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722,
0.0193, 0.1192, 0.9505
const static half3x3 MAT_XYZ_TO_RGB = {
+3.2405, -1.5371, -0.4985,
-0.9693, +1.8760, +0.0416,
+0.0556, -0.2040, +1.0572
// ======================================
/// XYZ => Yxy
float SUM_XYZ = dot(float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), XYZ);
Yxy.r = XYZ.g;
Yxy.gb = XYZ.rg / SUM_XYZ;
// ======================================
/// Yxy => XYZ
XYZ.r = Yxy.r * Yxy.g / Yxy. b;
XYZ.g = Yxy.r;
XYZ.b = Yxy.r * (1 - Yxy.g - Yxy.b) / Yxy.b;
// https://www.ronja-tutorials.com/post/041-hsv-colorspace/
float3 hue2rgb(float hue)
hue = frac(hue); //only use fractional part
float r = abs(hue * 6 - 3) - 1; //red
float g = 2 - abs(hue * 6 - 2); //green
float b = 2 - abs(hue * 6 - 4); //blue
float3 rgb = float3(r,g,b); //combine components
rgb = saturate(rgb); //clamp between 0 and 1
return rgb;
float3 hsv2rgb(float3 hsv)
float3 rgb = hue2rgb(hsv.x); //apply hue
rgb = lerp(1, rgb, hsv.y); //apply saturation
rgb = rgb * hsv.z; //apply value
return rgb;
float3 rgb2hsv(float3 rgb)
float maxComponent = max(rgb.r, max(rgb.g, rgb.b));
float minComponent = min(rgb.r, min(rgb.g, rgb.b));
float diff = maxComponent - minComponent;
float hue = 0;
if(maxComponent == rgb.r)
hue = 0+(rgb.g-rgb.b)/diff;
else if(maxComponent == rgb.g)
hue = 2+(rgb.b-rgb.r)/diff;
else if(maxComponent == rgb.b)
hue = 4+(rgb.r-rgb.g)/diff;
hue = frac(hue / 6);
float saturation = diff / maxComponent;
float value = maxComponent;
return float3(hue, saturation, value);
// YUV로 변환후, 밝기만 취하기.
const static half3x3 MAT_RGB_TO_YUV = {
+0.299, +0.587, +0.114, // 밝기
-0.147, -0.289, +0.436,
+0.615, -0.515, -0.100
const static half3x3 MAT_YUV_TO_RGB = {
+1.0, +0.000, +1.140,
+1.0, -0.396, -0.581,
+1.0, +2.029, +0.000
half YUV_y = mul(MAT_RGB_TO_YUV[0], color.rgb);
- MS문서에 나온 SepiaMatrix 이용.
- YIQ나 YUV 이용.
half3x3 MAT_TO_SEPIA = {
0.393, 0.769, 0.189, // tRed
0.349, 0.686, 0.168, // tGreen
0.272, 0.534, 0.131 // tBlue
half3 sepiaResult = mul(MAT_TO_SEPIA, color.rgb);
// ref: http://www.aforgenet.com/framework/docs/html/10a0f824-445b-dcae-02ef-349d4057da45.htm
// I = 51
// Q = 0
half3x3 MAT_RGB_TO_YIQ = {
+0.299, +0.587, +0.114,
+0.596, -0.274, -0.322,
+0.212, -0.523, +0.311
half3x3 MAT_YIQ_TO_RGB = {
+1.0, +0.956, +0.621,
+1.0, -0.272, -0.647,
+1.0, -1.105, +1.702
// Cb : -0.2
// Cr : 0.1
const static half3x3 MAT_RGB_TO_YUV = {
+0.299, +0.587, +0.114, // 밝기
-0.147, -0.289, +0.436,
+0.615, -0.515, -0.100
const static half3x3 MAT_YUV_TO_RGB = {
+1.0, +0.000, +1.140,
+1.0, -0.396, -0.581,
+1.0, +2.029, +0.000