float3 GetViewForwardDir()
float4x4 viewMat = GetWorldToViewMatrix();
return -viewMat[2].xyz;
float3 GetWorldSpaceNormalizeViewDir(float3 positionWS)
if (IsPerspectiveProjection())
// Perspective
float3 V = GetCurrentViewPosition() - positionWS;
return normalize(V);
// Orthographic
return -GetViewForwardDir();
float3 GetPrimaryCameraPosition()
return float3(0, 0, 0);
return _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
// Could be e.g. the position of a primary camera or a shadow-casting light.
float3 GetCurrentViewPosition()
return GetPrimaryCameraPosition();
// This is a generic solution.
// However, for the primary camera, using '_WorldSpaceCameraPos' is better for cache locality,
// and in case we enable camera-relative rendering, we can statically set the position is 0.
return UNITY_MATRIX_I_V._14_24_34;