VAT Vertex Animation Texture
ROP Render OPerator(for a Houdini )
C:/Program Files/Side Effects Software/sidefx_packages/SideFXLabs19.5/otls/SideFX_Labs.hda
unity .meta guid
VAT_RigidBodyDynamics.shadergraph.meta 085ef3ec3a5a70d4790c0957d30c9f63
VAT_ParticleSprites.shadergraph.meta 8bf13a6837d559049924774e12033384
VAT_DynamicRemeshing.shadergraph.meta 19b419010e1004644affea18d0fc8dff
VAT_SoftBodyDeformation.shadergraph.meta 987a09a96b5f17d46a88a7c429d130d2
// SideFX_Labs.hda
parm {
name "mat_unity_soft"
label "Unity Soft Material"
type string
default {}
parm {
name "mat_unity_rigid"
label "Unity Rigid Material"
type string
default { }
parm {
name "mat_unity_fluid"
label "Unity Fluid Material"
type string
default { }
parm {
name "mat_unity_sprite"
label "Unity Sprite Material"
type string
default { }
"com.sidefx.vat": ""
그대로 변함 ex
Soft Constant Topology 정점 갯수 위치 캐릭터 애니메이션
Rigid Rigid Body Topology 메쉬 형태 메쉬 위치 파괴
Fluid Changing Topology 정점 위치, 정점 갯수 유체
Sprite Camera Facing Cards 파티클
[Project]/meshes/[Component]_mesh.fbx mesh
[Project]/textures/[Component]_pos.exr position
[Project]/textures/[Component]_norm.exr normal
[Project]/textures/[Component]_rot.exr rotation
[Project]/textures/[Component]_col.exr color
Mesh Settings Turn every toggle off.
Preserve Hierarchy On
Sort Hierarchy By Name On
Mesh Compression Off
Optimize Mesh Nothing
Index Format Auto
Normals Import
Normals Mode Area And Angle Weighted
Smoothness Source Prefer Smoothing Groups (or whatever you prefer)
Smoothing Angle 60 (or whatever you prefer)
Tangents Import
Texture Settings Turn every toggle off.
Texture Type Default.
Texture Shape 2D.
Alpha Source Input Texture Alpha.
Non-Power of 2 None.
Wrap Mode Repeat.
Filter Mode Point (no filter).
Override For Windows, Mac, Linux: On.
Max Size 8192
Resize Algorithm Mitchell.
Format RGBA Half (16 bit per channel; HDR or even Non-HDR)
RGBA 32 bit (8 bit per channel; Non-HDR).
RDB Material Fracture
UV Unwrap
RBD Bullet Solver
- Transfer Attributes: orient pivot P
- Transfer to Geometry: checked ???
- Transfer to Proxy Geometry: unchecked ???
Mode/Target Engine: Rigid-Body Dynamics(Rigid) / Unity
Edge Case Handling
Input Geometry Is Cached to Integer Frames: checked
Texture Format: HDR(EXR/TIFF as RGBA 16/32 in Engine)